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Anthroposophy at Apple Blossom

At AB we honor each child's spirit and individuality. As teachers, we work out of the principles of Anthroposophy, acknowledging and nurturing Rudolf Steiner’s threefold nature of the human being: body, soul and spirit.  The study of Anthroposophy is a tool that teachers may use for their own inner development, for their professional research and to inspire their understanding of child development. It is not taught or communicated to the children nor does it come directly into the classroom.


As humans we are all interconnected to one another. We value reverence to the earth and all of its gifts. Utilizing and inspiring the imagination and wonder of the child, our curriculum may include fairy tales, folktales from around the globe, as well as pictorial language to connect to or represent elements of nature. This may include pictorial language such as: Mother Earth, Father Sun, and Sister Rain.  We may refer to children’s toes as “little piggies.”  Stories and songs may include gnomes, crystals, fairies, and flowers.


We welcome questions that you may have.  Many parents at Apple Blossom, over the years, have enjoyed meeting together for a study group to read and discuss parenting topics, including the works of Rudolf Steiner.

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