About Us

Our mission is to further Waldorf Education by building a center for family support and early childhood education inspired by Waldorf philosophy.

Through creating parenting workshops, cultivating festival life and holding early childhood classes, we support mothers-to-be, new families and young children (birth to seven). The family center prepares each child for his or her future development. We receive the children in warmth, rhythm and reverence. The early childhood classes support the development of the child's physical body and the child's will by teaching through example. We actively work on our own inner growth in an effort to be worthy of imitation.

The philosophy of Apple Blossom is inspired by the pedagogy developed by Rudolf Steiner, which is common to Waldorf Schools throughout the world. Our Early Childhood Programs stress the importance of rich, imaginative play in a child's life. We support the healthy development of the young child's multiple intelligences and physical growth. The curriculum nurtures the imagination, an important aspect of thinking, through play, artistic activities, and language development with song, puppetry and story telling.
Apple Blossom Waldorf School's Diversity Statement:
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