Eileen White
Assistant for the Daisy Class
Eileen comes to Waldorf Education by way of studying the Work of Rudolph Steiner, combined with the Twelve Steps and the Work of Gurdjieff, for almost twenty years. The first Steiner book she read was “Theosophy” and she and her study group are currently immersed in Steiner’s “Festivals” book. Eileen is in the Introductory to Waldorf Teaching class via Sophia’s Hearth and is excited to be learning how to consciously interact with young children for their development. Eileen worked for several years in Ridgefield Public Schools as a Substitute and as a Building para with Special Education students. Eileen’s corporate experience includes being a Legal Secretary for five years for Theodore C. Sorensen, former Special Counsel and Speechwriter to President John F. Kennedy. Five years ago, Eileen was appointed by the Town of Ridgefield to the Tree Committee. She also served for 3.5 years as the Recording Secretary for Ridgefield’s Planning and Zoning Commission. Eileen enjoys being “Gamma Eileen” to her stepson’s two children who are ages 11 and 8. She and her husband and two cats live in Ridgefield. In her spare time, she loves to write and garden.